In today’s world nothing is so impossible compared to past times where technology had not reached a level of possibilities, they were just ideas and conspiracy theories, funny right?
But today anything is possible and technology has evolved in such a way that we can create, create and create… and one of the creations that technology has allowed us to achieve was cryptocurrencies, where we can convert our paper money into any cryptocurrency we want and we can also create them.
One of the great examples we have is Bitcoin, it is a decentralized cryptocurrency, there is no government control, everyone can turn their money into Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are also decentralized and the dependence on paper money is decreasing.
Today many companies have adopted the payment method for Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, imagine if everyone has Bitcoin? What if everyone converted their financial assets into Bitcoin? How would world trade, which still depends on a major currency, look like?
Yes, the dollar is the main currency for industrial trade, it isn’t the most expensive currency as we still have the Euro and the Pound Sterling which has a higher value than the dollar but the dollar is above all and I believe in a future that all this will change.
Let’s take Bitcoin’s attention a little and focus on cryptocurrencies as a whole because there are many with the potential to even surpass Bitcoin, because if I were to give an example I would use the dollar, in the universe of cryptocurrencies Bitcoin is the dollar, it’s just the cryptocurrency with more value besides that there are very promising cryptocurrencies that one day may indeed surpass Bitcoin.
We are heading in a direction where paper money will no longer exist, governments will have to adapt to this change just as many companies have adapted when Bitcoin was in overvaluation, governments will no longer have full power over finances because everything will be crypto and everyone will have greater financial freedom because, in the system of each government, those who are poor make them even poorer, those who are rich enrich even more and that is what the cryptocurrencies will make disappear.
Some governments are even banning cryptocurrencies, but it is inevitable, those who are poor, cryptocurrencies give people from this lower economic class opportunities to overcome poverty, and I think this is magnificent, because there is no single pattern of financial growth, today cryptocurrencies are proving this to us.
I’ve seen people who studied and finished college, got jobs at the best companies, now they are stable in life, but people who didn’t finish college, didn’t get their dream job are multi-millionaires thanks to cryptocurrencies, that’s amazing when society dictates that success is one way, something happens that shows it’s not exactly like that, and that wonder is in cryptocurrencies.
I’m happy to be part of this generation that manages to overcome everything and chases their dreams outside what society dictates is the appropriate path, I’m not saying that studying isn’t good or that those who do it are better or not than those who do. they didn’t, but that we can all reach the top of the hill from different sides.
In the not-too-distant future, paper money will cease to exist, this is my opinion and it will change everything in people’s lives, we’ll be experiencing the change in the economy of all countries, there will be those who have more but we’ll have people with improved living conditions and that no government will be able to prevent, on the contrary, they will adapt to these changes.