There is great danger in thinking that it is possible to do anything however much there is evidence of it.
But becoming a full-time writer is not an outcome that just happened, it was a process, a long way to go and we need to keep a lot of things in mind before making this decision.
In my article Why are we part-time writers I talked a lot about the mistake many writers make based on emotions, first because writing on Medium is great but you can’t make money at first, and if you do, it’s $1 to $5 monthly so as we say in my country ‘‘Take the horse out of the rain’’ this is not magic.
When writing on Medium can cover all your bills in the long run and still give you some freedom to buy whatever you want dear writer/reader you’ve reached the level of being able to decide to live just by writing, this goes for other monetization platforms from contents.
But until you reach this level, you’ll have to bear waking up early to go to work, put up with boring bosses, be content with salaries that aren’t worth your professionalism, but knowing that you’ll reach your goal of being a full-fledged writer.
It also happens with beginning YouTubers or those who are working to achieve their goals of living only from creating content for YouTube, they have their jobs fixed for the moment until they get where they want, because if I can pay my bills in the long run and still have the margin to buy what you want there, yes, it is the exact moment to give up and live only on what you love to do, it is not easy to live only on what you love, until you get there you will have a lot of work ahead.
But why does one become a full-time writer?
For these reasons mentioned above, there comes a time in life when we want to try something new, in my case I always want something new, but many work routines become annoying and I think that everyone deserves to live something they want, a new lifestyle you’ve always dreamed of.
A full-time writer has geographic freedom, oh how I would like to be anywhere in the world whenever I want as long as I always carry my phone or computer to write about what I see and learn. A full-time writer has financial freedom and I don’t even need to argue about it anymore my friends and finally, a full-time writer has time freedom.
I work from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm but I only get home at 8:00 pm or 9:30 pm at the latest because I work far away from home and it takes me this time to get there, I almost don’t have time to be with my wife and my 9-month-old daughter, when I get home I’m finished and I just want to sleep but my daughter rejects all laps to stay only in mine, and it’s hard, she’s not to blame for anything poor thing she just wants her father, I take advantage of the weekends but it’s not the same thing, one Saturday I work not another and it’s hard, I want to spend the day with them, I want to have quality time with them and will that be possible when I become a full-time writer, and you don’t want the same? I believe that at least those who write on Medium would love this idea.
It’s for these things that people would become full writers.
All the success and perseverance I wish my writer/reader friends.