Poverty is a illness of mentality

3 min readSep 30, 2021


Photo by John Moeses Bauan on Unsplash

Today I understand that poverty is a mental illness because while I was growing up I only saw my family members worry about studying and having a job and never doing business, can you imagine if they were entrepreneurs?

Most low-income families become dependent on what the government offers, as a child, I didn’t understand why we were never able to travel as a family, have a PlayStation as I saw in other families and schoolmates, today I’m a father and husband and I understood that nobody gets rich having a job, no matter how well paid, being well paid does not guarantee stability in life, but today there are many solutions in entrepreneurship.

I’m a graphic designer by profession and my job doesn’t guarantee me anything other than paying the bills and all the support for my family comes from other sources of income, all for stability and being able to live what my family couldn’t provide at the time, no I blame them, it was the old mentality, but today it’s different, today my family is all entrepreneurs and many of them left their jobs to live only on business, that’s magnificent.

Being rich isn’t a problem but I think there must be reasons for this purpose and reasons that the purpose will be satisfied not only for yourself but for society, what you want is stability, the whole family fights for it, today I am husband and father, I try to give my family the best, imagine families where the mother raises the children alone because the husband abandoned her and went to be with another younger woman? This mother seeks even more stability to free her children from the many evils the world has to offer. The children grow up people very hard to achieve financial stability and be able to provide better conditions in their mother’s old age.

It is from this type of family that I come from, my grandmother lived that and I saw some things because I’m the first grandchild.

But I saw the will of my family members to succeed in life and thankfully they did it, I did it too because my mentality was not that I just have to study and have a job, I was unemployed for many years, I even got married unemployed but I never lacked money, I’ve always been self-taught and improved my skills in other areas if you want to read a little about it click here, I’ve always had the internet at my disposal.

And today the best place to be an entrepreneur is on the internet, to invest time and knowledge, this is the biggest long-term investment I have made on the internet, who would have thought that social networks wouldn’t be just for entertainment? Today almost everyone is hardly entertained without pay, everyone is doing something that pays, even watching videos, this is funny when I think of the old mindset in my grandmother’s time based on the things she told.

I wanted to express myself about poverty and how it is a terrible disease, not having money is not poverty, poverty is not having a mind that generates money, and it is not money that ends because of the need for sustenance, but the money that later it will be managed to make more money, I used my family history because I can’t talk about what I don’t know.

I always want to be able to motivate you who read any story or article I write, I want you all to succeed in life and that you never give up.




Written by Ivadal

Dad, Husband, Filmmaker and Creative Writer

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