How to make your money saved generate more money

Investing and guarding are different things, but you can save by investing!

2 min readDec 9, 2021

Saving money is a very old act in society, many had to usually store in bottles and even created that piggy with the entry of coins for it.

Store money to be able to use when you need it, but what many people do not know is that this is not a wise act, apparently, it is and the fact is that it has already saved a lot of gripped people for kept that money.

What if I tell you that money can generate more money?

Even the money you save can generate more money and you will not only have the money that you saves, but you will also have additional and I brought these methods for you.

Stock Exchange

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Photo by Nicholas Cappello on Unsplash

A basic rule for all those who become investors is that you should not invest the money you will have to use for your sustenance and it is true.

But you can invest the money you can use in the long run, pour money to use when necessary, place it on the stock exchange.

And if you do not know how the stock exchange works I suggest you investigate but I assure you you will have excellent results.


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Photo by Executium on Unsplash

Create a portfolio of cryptocurrencies using the money you want to save, buy cryptocurrencies and enjoy reading about the financial market.

Cryptocurrencies have enormous potential because in addition to promising people are always investing in them, and this makes them win a lot of value and you just need to enjoy when they value themselves, this will give you excellent gains, you will not only have the money you invest but you will have additions.

And if you do not know where you can do this I have some suggestions

Search for Passfolio, it is an incredible broker;

Also search for the eToro, another incredible broker;

Search for Youhodler.

These are my suggestions, I wish you a lot of success in your investments and if this article was useful, let me know about commenting.




Written by Ivadal

Dad, Husband, Filmmaker and Creative Writer

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